Strong Validation A calender interface is provided for the guests to choose their travel dates. Strong Validation checks ensure that the booking has no errors. |
Multiple Room-Types The hotel can sell a single room, double rooms, triple, quad...till deca rooms (10 people in a room) through smartrooms. |
No Sign-Up Guests are not forced to sign-up and verify their credentials before they book their rooms. This ensures that they can quickly book their rooms in 4 simple steps... Check availability, Confirm room, Submit booking request and Make payment (if the hotel has a payment gateway). |
Room Availability A graphical snapshot of Room availability is shown when travel dates are entered and the guest can quickly view the status at a glance. |
Request A Room If rooms are unavailable, guests can submit a form requesting rooms for their dates of travel. |
Instant Booking Confirmation Guests can see their booking receipt on the screen which they can print as well as receive an email with the booking details. |
Guest Tariff Additional Adult and Additional Child Tariff can be entered for each Room-Type. |
Booking Cancellation Guests can submit their cancellation request online incase of change in travel plans. |
Manage Room Sales Easily Block/Unblock Rooms or Suspend/Resume Sales of Room-Types. e.g Deluxe room can be suspended from being shown on the website. The hotel can unsuspend the room-type if it wishes to accept reservations for that room-type. |
Control Room Sales You can restrict the number of rooms a guest can book online. |
Offer Discounts On Room-Rates And Hotel Packages You can offer a fixed discount on the displayed room-rate or an early-bird discount if the guest books a room or a hotel-package in advance. |
Currency Localisation INR/ USD/ GBP/ EUR Easily change the currency prefix and suffix and Sell Rooms in your Local Currency. |
Room Inventory Room inventory is automatically decreased upon room confirmation and increased upon room cancellation. |
Sell additional services Guests can order additional services sold by you such as airport-pickups during the booking process. |
Save Gateway Commissions Payment Gateway Banks charge higher commissions for online CC transactions... therefore to save commissions SMARTROOMS will charge a guest for 1 nights stay only.. the balance amount is swiped offline by the reservations desk at the hotel. |
Card Protection SmartRooms does not collect credit card details from Guests. The transactions are securely authorized by YOUR payment gateway. |
REPORTS SMARTROOMS generates helpful reports which give the hotel a powerful insight into its business. Some Reports include, Room Booking Schedules, Transaction Reports, Top 10 Guest Countries, Monthly/Annual Income etc... |
Admin Control Panel: SMARTROOMS has a very user-friendly control panel. The hotel can easily add room types, enter room rates, block rooms, unblock rooms, view approved/denied transactions, view cancellation requests, cancel bookings as well as view and print reports. |